- Head over to our What’s On pages for details of how to join us in person and online activities.
Bible Walkout
- The Bible Walkout, organised as part of Church Without Walls, takes place on Fridays at 10.00am. Contact Anne or Sue who can give you details about the walks. They start at Truly Scrumptious Team Room, Bearpark. As well as a group who walk along the railway path, there is a group of non-walkers who meet in the cafe. Both groups discuss the Bible passage and we meet together for a cuppa in the cafe when the walkers return.
Prayer and Reflections
- A Word in Time – daily reflection on a biblical reading linked to the Methodist Prayer Handbook.
- Pray as you Go – a daily set of meditations on scripture and music produced by the Jesuits.
- Durham Cathedral have recordings of services available on Facebook (you don’t need to have Facebook account to view).
- Prayer of the day – daily prayer from the Methodist Church.
Food for Thought
- Meeting on Monday evenings at 8pm on Zoom for about an hour. A time and space for thought and reflection on a range of topics. Contact Sue for the Zoom link. All are warmly invited to join us, whether you are new to Food for Thought or have journeyed with us before. From 2nd September to 14th October – learn to do right, seek justice and defend the oppressed. As a justice-seeking church we are called to move into the places where change and transformation are required in use and by us because we love and praise God. Come and join us to explore how we might be active in both our praise and our protest.
Bible Month resources
- Bible Month is run by the Methodist Church. It is a campaign that celebrates Scripture by inviting the whole Methodist Connexion to feast on one particular book of the Bible together. You can explore resources for this year’s Bible Month online as well as access resources from previous years.